Boat Info

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Rock Sound, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 We went over to the Manta Breathe to take a close look at their sail cover.  We'll be replacing ours this summer and I wanted to get some details on how they constructed theirs.  Nice to finally meet Jason and Monica - we've seen their photos on FB for several years but haven't been in the same place until now.

Monica pointed out some of the nice features on their sailcover - I'll be incorporating most of them into our new one.


Kris and Dean from Charm also came over as she's planning to do the same sailcover this summer.


The guys were solving all the worlds problems while the gals chatted.


Then we took an adventurous walk thru the mangroves, hoping to find a trail.


We did find a junkyard of sorts.


Cool old Out Islands tag.  I would have loved to take it as a souvenir but the bolts were too rusty to loosen.


We followed an abandoned roadway that was overgrown.  To the side we saw several "wells"  that looked natural.  This is about 3' in diameter.


After a while we decided to head back to shore and get in our dinghies - crossing a marshy area that was sucking our shoes as we walked.


Back to the shoreline we saw a large ray peacefully swimming by.


Back to the boats, we had a nice dinner with the Charm crew.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that's a nice tag...too bad you couldn't snag it...those wells look dangerous...
