Boat Info

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Governor's Harbour, Eluethera, Bahamas

 We went ashore for our 9AM taxi ride to the nature preserve.....we decided that we'd spring for a ride just one way.  We'll walk back stopping by a "pink sand beach" that we've heard about.

A hilly ride to the preserve.

 Very nicely kept grounds.

 Pretty waterfall is a bit out of place in the mostly flat Bahamas, but neat and peaceful.


Lots of info about native plants and their uses.  Little lizard was unafraid of us!


A "lath room" (sorry for the blurry photo) was used to propogate plants.


Miles of well marked trails with information stations.


A replica native Lucayan structure from the Columbus time-frame.


And there was an area with edible native plants.


And on a different trail there were turtles!


Kris had bought a tiny packet of food for them at the information station. Fun watching them compete for the bits.

And what walk wouldn't be complete without a nice snake?


A cool observation tower.  



Nice view but the tower swayed a bit in the breeze!


We spent a couple of hours walking around the preserve.  Very nicely done!

 Started our walk to the "pink sand beach" along the highway.  One lady stopped to ask if we wanted a ride - but we said "no, but thank you!" as we were only going about a mile before the turn-off to the beach.



And the beach is quite lovely!


And I see a slight pink tint.....


About a mile down the beach we climbed the dunes and saw the ruins of a Club Med resort that had been badly damaged in Hurricane Floyd in 1999.

The pool area.

I found this photo from Google showing the pool area in it's prime.  Amazing.



 Someone is maintaining the grounds a bit as the entrance drive still looks pretty.


There are a few buildings still standing.


Since it fronts on a fabulous beach, I suspect someday, someone will make this a beautiful place again.


We found Ronnie's - a local bar/restaurant for some fantastic sandwiches for lunch.  By the time we got back to the dinghies it was approaching low tide.  We lifted/drug Kris & Dean's dinghy back to the water.  Ours is a bit heavier and was sitting on a pile of rocks/shells.  We decided to hitch a ride back to Sojourn, then return 4 hours later when the tide had re-floated our dinghy.

Fun day, my watch says we walked almost 5 miles.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that looks like a nice hike...minus the snake...haha...the hurricane damage is crazy...
