Boat Info

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Governor's Harbour, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 We woke to a fairly rolly anchorage since the winds had shifted a bit south.  So Charm lifted anchor and we followed suit a little while later.


Great winds and flat seas made for a nice sail just 6 miles north.


Really starting to feel like we're in a "metro area".  Pretty bay passing the government dock.


We went ashore at low tide.


Beautiful, busy anchorage.


We visited two different small grocery stores.  Excellent veggie assortments.


I was amused by the pricing methods....

We tried in vain to find a rental car for tomorrow.  It's apparently a holiday we'll walk the 2.5 miles to a nature preserve. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...lovely veg again...and a 2.5 mile walk is nothing for you seasoned hikers...have fun!
