Boat Info

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Man O'War Bay, Great Inagua, Bahamas

A very non-photogenic day.  Started off with left over hushpuppies and the pomegranate that I bought at the farmer's market for breakfast.  Fun but slightly bitter.


Then it was just chores.  Washing down the heads, vacuuming the boat and a couple of loads of laundry.  Really breezy so the shirts got 3 heavy-duty clothespins each.


The second load was sheets - they were dry in about 10 minutes in the whipping wind.

We arranged for an island tour on Monday.   That's about it for the day.  Watched another couple of episodes of Yellowstone and as usual, an early night!


  1. Hey K,
    ...that's really windy...have you ever lost any's been windy here and really big swings in know...a typical nc spring...

  2. Hey T, yes, I actually lost an old dish towel that day. (Not one that you made me, btw!) It didn't come un-pinned. I just actually dropped it on the way forward and it blew off the deck before I noticed. I saw it floating way off in the distance behind the boat and chose not to go retrieve it. I figure it was natural cotton and will eventually rot away and not harm the environment.
