Boat Info

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Man O' War Bay, Great Inagua, Bahamas

 The weather is turning windy so we decided to leave the anchorage and go back to the more protected side of the island.  We needed to leave at high tide because there is a shallow rock bar at the entrance.


You can see the protective reef and the calm blue water beyond it towards the shore.


Sails up, you can see Meshugga to our starboard.


A pretty nice downwind sail although there was a bit of a swell.


See the next two photos in rapid succession and you can sortof "feel" the swell as the big boat goes down a wave and then back up the next one.


Dee snapped this nice photo of us.

Meshugga wanted to use this last fairly calm wind day to hunt for some lobster on Molasses reef.  So they stopped there for the afternoon.  Our freezer is full, so we continued on to the west side of the island.

 Rounding the tip of the island - hopefully we'll visit the lighthouse from land side in the next few days as there is only rocky shoreline there and not dinghy-friendly.



Approaching Matthew Town you can see the rapid transition from deep blue (500+ ft depth) to turquoise (10 ft depth)


We pulled in close to shore and anchored.


But the anchorage was very rolly with a swell to the side of the boat making it very uncomfortable.  So we put the sails back up and headed north to Man O'War bay about 7 miles away.  We were close to the Morton Saltworks - you can see the enormous piles of salt in the distance.



Again, you can see the transition from deep to shallow as we approach the shoreline.

 The storm passed and the saltworks was a little brighter.


But the wind shifted, yet again, and about an hour later the area we anchored became turbulent.  So upped the anchor and motored another 3 miles north to a better spot for the wind direction....never simple out here!   


Passing the saltworks closer.

Anchored just at sundown, much more pleasant but not flat calm.  Had a left-over potluck dinner and started watching the new season of the Yellowstone series.  We'll catch up with Meshugga today.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...pretty pics of the boats under sail...and that difference in the water is so amazing...
