Boat Info

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Buena Vista Cay, Ragged Islands Bahamas

 Jenny and Nicholas wanted to see Nurse Cay so we all hopped on their dinghy and headed north.  We climbed up the rocky hill (no path) to the ruins.


Jenny taking a break.


Beautiful view of the cut.


Back down the hill - no path so we were like goats finding our way!


Nicholas had seen a path over to the salt pond.

Just a very large shallow pond.


There is a small island of sand out in the pond....Jenny decided she needed to investigate - barefoot thru the slimy muck.


Jenny on her private island!


Back to the boats - fun ride!


Later in the day folks gathered for sunset.  Still over 10 boats in the anchorage.


Pretty sunset.


And several in the crowd are budding pyromaniacs! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...another pretty sunset...and a fire on the beach...that's the best...
