Boat Info

Monday, February 7, 2022

Buena Vista Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 There was another boat anchored in the wide bay - I took the dinghy over to invite them to share a bonfire on the beach in the evening.  They told us that 3 of their boater friends were heading this way from the north - so all were invited.

Duane and I went ashore and gathered a bunch of palm fronds and some deadwood for the fire.

Apparently word is out about the lovely Ragged Islands because by the evening there were 8 boats in the anchorage!

 Not exactly the secluded paradise we enjoy, but we'll endure.

Sunset was pretty but was obscured by clouds at the horizon.


Enjoyed chatting with Jonathon from Grateful.


And met the crews from Freedom and Echo as well.

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