Boat Info

Friday, January 28, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Bahamas

 The day started with another spectacular sunrise.


 Beautiful day follows!


After I made the potato salad and cookies for our potluck later in the day, we went for a nice snorkel.


A small school of jacks.


We moved to a different more shallow reef.


Do you see Mr. Lobster?


Back to the boat.

 Before long it was time to go ashore and get the fire started for the cookout.


My goodness there are a lot of folks!!!  Jerry and Donna chatting.


And Gosha & Chris  from Aldebaran.


Deb and Louis chatting with Jenny.


Too many new faces for me to be able to name them - by far the biggest crowd we've seen here.  I think there are 15 boats now.  As soon as the wind subsides this weekend we will likely go for a change in scenery.

As usual, the food was wonderful and a great variety.  All of it nicely vegetarian so I didn't have to skip any of it. 


The sun melted into a lovely afterglow.


And a beautiful calm evening.   One more calm day before a weather system dips to the south and causes some high winds.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...what a nice gathering...and how nice that the food was vegetarian...I like the twilight pic...
