Boat Info

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Bahamas

 We had a fairly lazy day....we did make water, washed clothes and I baked a nice loaf of bread.

 It was a beautiful day!

As usual, before we knew it, time to go ashore for sundown.

Tiller, the canine friend from the catamaran Delos tried to get me to throw the coconut.....we were advised not to engage.  haha


Another pretty sunset.


And a nice little campfire.  Plans were hatched for a cookout tomorrow night before we get some strong winds that will likely have us all staying on the boats for a couple of days.



1 comment:

  1. Hey K,'re bread looks amazing...looks like you're about to eat the best part...the heel...haha...and yeah...that game of fetch...once started...can go on for a long long time...haha...
