Boat Info

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Beautiful day!!


I guess I don't discuss it much, but trash is a bit of a conundrum in the Bahamas.  When we were in Georgetown, when we pulled into the marina to get diesel fuel, we paid them $5 to allow us to throw a large garbage bag in the dumpster.  

When in the Raggeds, there really isn't much of an option.  So the food scraps go overboard when we're out sailing.  Everything else has to be saved and disposed of ashore.  The only actual garbage dump is near Duncan Town - the locals dump their trash there and it occasionally is set afire.  But on Hog Cay, the cruisers have their own burn pit specifically for garbage.  (We have a much nicer pit for BBQ and no trash allowed there!)

Not far from the burn pit, the entrance to our new trail from last year is still clearly marked (thanks Dee for doing that after we departed last year!)

In the afternoon, Dee and Nicholas invited us over for a game of Mexican Train.  Good fun!!


And the usual gathering for sundown.


We were low on bread so I had mixed up some Poolish for a loaf mid-day.  I almost forgot about it right before dinner - so I quickly mixed up the dough and set it to rise.  Baked it about 9:30PM and it turned out lovely!


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...yeah...I can see how garbage would be a problem...some of the RVers that do a lot of boondocking talk about it too...pretty sunset...and your bread looks delish as always...
