Boat Info

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We sailed about 20 miles down to Hog Cay in the morning since the weather is going to get blustery for the next few days.  Great sail, just tacked one time to get us fairly close to the anchorage.  Turned a motor on for the last mile.

We had arranged with the Meshugga crew to hitch a ride on their big dinghy into Duncan Town for a little veggie shopping at Maxine's.  

They picked us up - 


And off we went - riding in style on their newly refurbished dinghy.  They even brought along cold beverages for the ride!


The new government clinic building is well underway.

But a lot remains the same as always of course.

Had a nice visit with Maxine and picked up a few fresh veggies and eggs.  She has a new sign on her shop - we asked about the "drugs" haha.  She said that she was having a terrible time buying things like Tylenol and cold medicines in Nassau.  She thinks they are all sold out because of Covid.

Dee taking a rest - not sure why she looks so famished, just joking around.

Happy Jenny!

Dee had mentioned to Maxine that she wanted to buy some fresh fish as they had not had any luck fishing.  Maxine sent this fellow to bring Dee some fish.  I believe his name was CinCy - I will correct that as I inquire about his name.

We walked back down the hill to the dock - next to the dinghy a local boat had tied up - they had a load of huge lobster!

Myron, the fellow who rescued the pigeon last year from Meshugga came to the dock.  Dee and Nickolas had ordered and transported two 50 lb boxes of bird seed as a gift to him!  So nice of them!

After Myron left, we all walked back up the hill hoping to find a cold beverage.  There are always goats wandering, today was no exception.

We wandered to all three of the establishments that could possibly serve beverages on the island but all were closed.

Jenny made the best of it gathering flowers.

Finally as we were walking back towards the dock to leave we saw Ty (Maxine's son) opening up the door to the Ponderosa.  So before he could get away, we all piled into the bar.

Drinks all around.  I had a Bahamian Bush Crack!  Wasn't a bad beer - light and cold.  Hit the spot!


That was about it for the visit - back to the boats....and then a few hours later it was time for the normal sundowners on the beach.  Met some of the other crews and enjoyed the evening. 


Feels like a homecoming of sorts since we've spent so much time here.  Very comforting!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...your trips into 'town' are always interesting...glad you were able to get a cool beverage...
