Boat Info

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Royal Island, Eleuthera, Bahamas

Beautiful calm day meant that we could go all the way around and north of Egg Island for some snorkeling.


The first couple of spots we snorkeled were kindof ho-hum. 


But we eventually found a better part of the reef.  I pulled the dinghy around with the tether rather than anchor it.  There was a decent current out in the open ocean and it's just easier to pull the dinghy along with us than to constantly have to swim back to it against a current.


We came upon this turtle resting on the bottom.


But unlike yesterday, this one was quickly vamoose!


Duane diving down for a look.


A few hours later, back to the boat via the pretty channel between Royal and Egg Islands.



Just one nice sized lobster for the day.  We saw several large groupers - but thought the season was closed until after February.  We looked it up later and saw that technically, we could have taken one - grouper season closes today Dec 1.  Oh well, we'll have grouper fingers hopefully March 1 when the season opens again!


The tail is on a large Corelle dinner plate - so a decent size.

I made me some simple lobster pasta with lemon juice/white wine/butter and garlic.  (Duane had spaghetti).

Fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...neat underwater the turtle...
