Boat Info

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Royal Island, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 Time to get in the water!  The hulls have a coating of slime and it was time to scrape it off.  (The bottom paint is over a year old now and we haven't touched it since the last haulout).

 The slime was not very bad - I scraped on it for about an hour just using a soft plastic trowel.  Only the first 2' or so below the waterline had any slime at all.  The keels are pretty much clean. 

After lunch we went for our first snorkel.  Near the boat there are some shallow heads.

The usual pretty coral and small fish.


I saw this rather large remora swim by - at first glance I thought it was a small shark.  But it's clear that it's a remora as you can see the weird "suction cup" on it's head where it attaches to it's "host" (usually a shark).  Weird creature!


And then I spotted this turtle just resting on the bottom.


I was hoping he might swim away and I could film his graceful exit, but he was happy just to sit and let me photograph him!


As we got a late start, the sun was getting low and the light was not enough for a prolonged snorkel.  Back to the boat.


 And we were treated once again to a pretty sunset.


And pretty sunrise this morning!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...neat underwater photos...and pretty sunrises and sunsets...
