Boat Info

Friday, December 24, 2021

Georgetown, Exumas, Bahamas

 We did some laundry, got several more jugs of free water in the morning.  Then we took a little walk-about around the pond in Georgetown.  This is the view of the dinghy dock from across the pond.


Up and over the hill.


Pretty view from  the top of the hill.


A warm, sunny day.  Had to stop for a refreshment along the way.


Bought a couple of eggplants from a fellow on the side of the road.  $1 each!  I'm going to try and make some baba ganoush.


Back to Sojourn.

Late in the afternoon, we pulled the anchor and headed across to the Sand Dollar anchorage since the winds had shifted slightly.  Not terribly crowded.  We passed this beautiful huge monohull - named Marge on the way into the anchorage.

We'll wait here, hoping to see our friends on Meshugga soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...everything looks so tropical and beach-y there...haha...
