Boat Info

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Georgetown, Exumas, Bahamas

 The day started off nice enough.  A colorful mailboatcoming in  the channel.


Then mid-morning a small front passed us by, changing the wind direction to make the anchorage a little uncomfortable exposed to the north.  (Note the rainbow at the horizon!)  We were prepared for a rainstorm that we could see on radar, but it never got to us. 


Once the storm had passed us  we motored over a few miles to the fuel dock.  We hadn't gotten fuel since Nov 25th in Bimini so we were at about 1/2 tank.  Glad to see the fuel dock open again - it has been closed for the past several years due to hurricane damage.  Sojourn tucked in tight between two other boats.


They wouldn't let us stay long at the fuel dock, so we came back out a few hundred feet and anchored next to Two of a Kind - Bob and Diane who we had met last year in the Raggeds.  Small world down here!


 Off to the dinghy dock, then the grocery store to pick up a few last minute items since they'll be closing for Christmas.  For some reason I always enjoy immensely going thru this little tunnel/passageway under the bridge.




 Also a few trips to fill up jugs with free water.

Since our next destination is likely the Ragged Islands (where there is no fuel), we got out the empty gasoline jugs for filling.  Unfortunately, the only fuel sold at the dock is diesel.  So we had to tote  the jugs to the gas station.  Since we only use gasoline for the dinghy, these 4 jugs should last us the entire season.

 Back to the boat - Royce from Cerca Trova stopped by on a dinghy run and we made plans for sundowners later.


Had a fun visit with Jennifer and Royce although it was overcast - no sunset visible.  Back to the boat for another early evening.   No dinner since we'd had too many snacks on Cerca Trova!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...the passing storm looks pretty...glad you were able to get both kinds of fuel too...and that you got to meet up with your friends again...
