Boat Info

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Oriental, NC

 I had planned on diving back into sewing the 2nd bike bag....but in the morning Duane suggested we take the boat out for a "test drive" with the new chartplotter and radar.  We needed to make sure everything was functioning correctly at some point before we leave for the Bahamas again.  

First we had to get the anchor chain back on the boat.  Duane had painted his red 25' indicators last night.

Beautiful day! 

 Looks almost like a traffic jam!  I guess Labor Day weekend has everyone out sailing.


Random boats we passed.   We stopped the boat and just drifted as we had lunch...



We did make several adjustments and learned a bit about the new chartplotter.  The radar works great!  Will be comforting to have it again on our overnight passages for sure.


On the way back to our dock we stopped by River Dunes for a quick holding tank pump out.

I meant to get back to sewing, but ended up spending a mostly lazy late afternoon.


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...what a nice little sail...and good for you taking a day off...
