Boat Info

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Oriental, NC

 Another whole day spent on the bike bag!!  Finished now and I'm pretty pleased with the results.

This project utilized the seam ripper a bit....designing-as-you-sew often does.....

We decided while doing "fittings" with the bike inside the bag that the upper area was too bulky with a straight-sided box.  So I ripped out the end seams and cut the end pieces into triangles vs. the original rectangle.

Both ends and reassembled, of course.


The next step was to create a flap that will cover the top of the box and hold it all together.  This will involve going around the lifeline wire, so I had to make some binding and protect that area from wear.


This is to show how it all comes together.  One zipper holds the entire length of the bag on the lifeline.  The flap comes over the top and secures it all.


All finished!


Pleased with the results - easy to walk past.


View from dockside.


And now to make another one!!!  Hopefully the second time around will be a bit easier!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K, looks perfect...and ingenious...I knew it would...the second one is always easier...
