Boat Info

Friday, June 11, 2021

Pittsboro, NC

 Back to the drain re-do...

 With a nice solid concrete "floor", Duane has it formed now to secure all the pipes in thick concrete.  (The black plastic is a 32 gallon trash can re-purposed.)


After that concrete had time to set up, he filled in the void with dirt and formed it for the base of the "cap".


Additional inside form to accept the new grate.

 The next day, interior form removed.

 And new grate in place!!!  

Here is the overall view so you can see some of the terrain that drains into this area.  We'll have to pause here because it is going to be a rainy weekend.  We contacted our dirt-delivery guy, he's out of town for a week - so we'll get a load of dirt delivered when he returns to smooth out the area.  Glad that messy project is almost done!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...WOW!...that looks amazing...I knew it would though...y'all do such excellent work...
