Boat Info

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Pittsboro, NC

While Duane has been working on the drain, I've mostly been wielding a pressure washer.  (Another borrowed from a neighbor tool, gotta love it.  Thanks Pat and Diane!)  I searched the blog here to see when we did this last.  I thought it had been several years.  It's only been 2 years. 

 Before and after shots.   


The deck on the north side of the house has the original deckboards and they have gotten pretty moldy.  (All the other deckboards are new a couple of years ago)

This part of the decking is over 25 years old so looking pretty good.

The north side of the house always has a nice green sheen after a couple of years.

Kinda hard to see, but it really is much brighter.

Down on the lower level, it had really gotten dark with algae or whatever grown on concrete in the shade.


The big concrete drive going into the garage mid-process.


All done!

My arm is tired!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that really was a BIG project...but a very satisfying can borrow our (Mom's) sprayer anytime...
