Boat Info

Sunday, May 2, 2021

St. Augustine, FL

 We started the day on the internet researching how to get our Covid shots.  Many of the pharmacy websites said we had to be Florida residents.  But the CVS website didn't have that restriction - so we made appointments for 11AM.  The pharmacy is about 2 miles from the marina, so we had a leisurely walk there.  


The town is very picturesque.  Lots of old buildings.


Beautiful day.

The town was quite busy - a long line for the entrance to the Castillo de San Marcos fort.


View of the back of the fort.

And like any good tourist town, St. Augustine has it's share of chintzy attractions.


Lots of these trolleys.


We probably saw 20 or 30 of these trolleys during our walk.

To the CVS pharmacy right on time.


The pharmacist was ready....we just checked in, no ID required.  A little "pinch" and we were done.  We got the Pfizer shot, so we'll have to get the second dose after May 22nd.  We've got that scheduled in Chapel Hill.

Back to the boat - my arm is just a bit sore.  No other side effects.


After a quick lunch, we set out on the dinghy to go across the waterway to the Publix grocery store.  The jet skies were out in full force churning up the water.  Apparently they had some sort of race going on.


There's a very nice government dock and public pier just a few blocks away from Publix.


We loaded our folding cart with fresh veggies.  We had made sure we had eaten all the fresh items before entering the US - customs does not allow us to bring in anything fresh.


Walking back down the pier to the dinghy dock.  The public pier is lovely - shady areas and even swings to relax!


Going back to the boat....more jet skies.


View of the fort from the water.


Back at the boat for the evening.  It's amazing what you see in the mooring field.  These "sunset sail charter boats" actually weave thru the moored boats.  You'd think they would go out in the more open water....


And these large tour boats weave thru the anchorage as well with their cruise director droning over the loudspeaker, coming very close to our boat.  Just odd that they do that, sortof like if the trolley weaved in and out of the parking lots.....

We're probably here for one more day before the weather is good for more northern progress.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K, glad you were able to get the vaccine...we'll be able to get together soon...
