Boat Info

Monday, May 3, 2021

Capers Island Anchorage, Charleston, SC

After looking at the weather, we decided yesterday morning to head offshore from St. Augustine to Charleston.  (Well, we actually thought we'd just make it to Savannah, but the waves were not too terrible so we continued on to Charleston). 

We stayed between 10 and 20 miles off the shoreline to avoid the worse wave action.  We did see several ships, none too close.

And a sport fisher boat - made a huge wake for us to bob thru.

 It was hazy....that should have been a clue....

Because when the sun came up, there was fog! It's been a long time since we've sailed thru fog.  And it's complicated by the fact that our radar broke several months ago....

Since we could only see 200-300 feet in front of us, we had to a forward lookout in case there was a boat in front of us.  We can see boats that have AIS reporting (most do), but some small vessels don't have it.  So, we had to be vigilant for about 2 hours as we sailed thru the murk.



But eventually, the fog dissipated - we could see this tug pulling a construction barge.  (We could see him on the AIS, so we actually knew his was out there in the fog).

Approaching the Charleston inlet.  Lighthouse and some birds flying in ground effect.


Some pelicans bobbing in the surf.


Made it to the Charleston inlet mid-afternoon.  Continued in the Intercoastal Waterway.   Getting back into the swing of bridges....


And our secluded anchorage for the evening.  We're looking at radar now and see a line of thunderstorms heading our way....hoping for the best!


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that lighthouse looks familiar...haha...glad you had a safe foggy sail...
