Boat Info

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Royal Island Harbour, Bahamas

Another travel day!   Approaching Current Cut - we left the sails up and turned the engines on just to be careful.  There was only a 1/2 knot current against us so it wasn't a problem.  (Depending on the tide state, there can be 3-4 knots of current here for the short 1/4 mile pass).



Skies were still hazy and overcast. 

Approaching the anchorage for the evening - Royal Island.


And late in the evening, another Manta, Hahalau came into the anchorage!  We had not met them so was nice to chat with them briefly.  They are heading back to Florida but we hope to see them again.  More travel tomorrow.....


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...glad you're still making your way home...that's a colourful boat...
