Boat Info

Friday, April 23, 2021

Lynyard Cay, Abacos, Bahamas

 It was a travel day, but a little more excitement.

The anchorage was mill-pond still in the morning.


We studied the winds for the next week or so and decided that the best option was to go north thru the Abacos.  This was a change from our earlier plans.  It's going to be hard to find a nice 4 day sailing window to go from the Bahamas to NC directly in the next little while.


Passing Egg Island, the water was just beautiful!  As soon as the depths allow, time to put the lures in the water.


We were rewarded shortly with this nice Wahoo!  28 pounds and 51 inches long.  The seas were fairly calm so we didn't mind taking the time to do some measurements.  (It's usually blowing like stink and tossing us around when we catch a big fish!)


The forecasts that we looked at were quite wrong for the day - much better winds for the 60 mile sail.  About 1/2 way we crossed paths with this nice Canadian boat..a quick wave of greeting....both of us having a really nice sail!


We did catch a small-ish Mahi-mahi later.  It was about 2 foot long - we decided that it needed to grow a bit and returned it to the sea for another day.



Into the anchorage at Lynyard Cay at the southern end of the Abacos, we anchored near another Manta!  Two nights in a row - this one is named Tangent.  We don't know them but may get a chance to say hello.

And if you want to know what a full freezer looks like ----(it's about 3' deep)

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