Boat Info

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 We are a broken record....some chores in the morning, snorkel in the early afternoon for a few hours, dinner prep and sundown on the beach.  

We're enjoying the brief respite from the strong tradewinds.   Went for a long snorkel.


Lovely large field of new growth elkhorn coral.  This is important because a lot of this type coral is dead or "bleached" around the world.  Scientists are very worried about this for the health of the oceans/planet.



More photos of the elkhorn



Duane found this spotted lobster.  Cute small lobster and pretty rare.



We moved to a more protected inside reef and the water clarity was not ideal because of the recent windy conditions.


Still a lot of pretty fish and coral.



My attempt to photograph the little rock island we were near....unfortunately I forgot to wipe the water off my camera lens...


That's about it for the day....fuzzy photo of sundown on the beach.


1 comment:

  1. Very pretty underwater shots...glad the coral is healthy...
