Boat Info

Friday, March 5, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 We've got a unusual weather pattern with light west/northwest winds for a couple of days.  We took advantage by going for a snorkel out on the ocean side of the barrier islands/rocks.  

Pretty queen angelfish.



And then I noticed this shark....that's my spear tip in the photo. 



The shark came very close several times.  Just curious I suppose but much too close for comfort!!   It came close to the spear tip and hovered for a moment.




The shark did swim away, only to return a minute later.  I guess he thought we might be dinner! 




When a shark in the area, Duane and I normally get very close to each other in the water, hoping to appear "large" to the shark.  This one eventually decided we were not all that interesting and swam away.  But we were on high alert for the rest of the afternoon!



We moved to a different area - and Duane got this lovely grouper.  (Grouper season just opened Mar 1).



It weighed in at over 8 lbs.  A good one!

And before long it was time for the beach meetup.  Friends of Ed and Cathy's from La Vie Dansante, TD and Barbara had anchored off Little Ragged.  They're only in the Raggeds for a few days and wanted to meet up with What If.  They came ashore for sundowners - nice to meet them.  They'll only be here tomorrow and then they have to head north to pick up their daughter in Georgetown.    Fun visit.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...that was scary...stay safe out there...
