Boat Info

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 I heard the familiar whoop,whoop,whoop of the Coast Guard helicopter in the distance.

They did a couple of circuits around the anchorage, I believe either checking us out closely or simply training.  They can radio us on the VHF if they want to, so I don't think they're too concerned about us!

Fun to see how close they came to us!


Later in the day, Duane and I went ashore on Ragged Island and cut some firewood.  We left it on the beach for pickup tomorrow at hight tide.  Pretty view on the way back to the boat.

 And the usual, sundown hour, chatting on the beach with Messhuga and What If.  A broken record, but a very nice one!

1 comment:

  1. That's neat...I'll have to tell the Airman about it...
