Boat Info

Monday, March 1, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 I somehow got a day behind on my posting....the weather is unsettled, mostly sunny but breezy.   It looks rainy but only a few sprinkles ever materialized.


We are back down to our little circle of 3 boats again - Messhuga, What If and Sojourn.  Was nice to see all the other folks, but this group is more comfortable.



No rain and a decent sunset (no green flash).



Yesterday was another windy day - did laundry - my "automatic dryer" was finished in about 15 minutes!   Hard to see but there are about 5 clothespins on each article to make sure none were lost in the 25 knot winds.



We invited Nicholas/Dee and Ed/Cathy over for sundowner and snacks rather than go ashore just to change things up.



Always fun, chatting for a few hours.


1 comment:

  1. ...funny picture of you clothes blowing in the wind...I bet they dried fast...
