Boat Info

Friday, February 5, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 With light winds we were able to snorkel the barrier reefs just south of Ragged Island.


I love these little bluehead wrasse that you see on the reefs often.



The coral was lovely.




One of the "rocks" out near the reef.  We snorkeled on either side of this little island.



A pretty queen angelfish stayed still long enough for me to get a nice photo.


This is a wonderful healthy stand of elkhorn coral.  Much of this type of coral is dead all over the world.  (Much argument about the cause but most agree it's warmer ocean temps and water polution).



There was so much elkhorn coral that it was actually hard to get a good photo!


Back to the boat, I spent the rest of the afternoon doing some bread making.  First, bagels because we were out of them.  Then a batch of cinnamon rolls to take to this evening's planned cookout.

 Jerry from Bluejacket went ashore early and got the fire going for the BBQ.

And near sundown the 6 boats gathered on shore for a great cookout with some of the best pot-luck dishes I can remember.  Leslie even made me a pot of vegetarian baked beans that were like candy!  We all chatted until well after sundown and only went back to the boats after the no-see-um's decided to make their presence painfully known.


1 comment:

  1. ...very pretty underwater pics...and your cinnamon rolls look amazing...
