Boat Info

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 Busy day!  First we went for a snorkel in the morning for a few hours because the wind had finally abated.  A reef shark was on the prowl - he saw me and swam away. 



Lovely school of blue tangs and little video of them swimming along.


A little hollow area in the reef was teaming with fish.



It was actually a little chilly - about 70 degrees as opposed to the 78 we've been used we headed back to the boat after only 2 hours.  We took the dinghies back on the ocean side since the wind had calmed things down.


Ed got a monster lobster!



And we wasted no time - a quick lunch and then a walk into town for some fresh veggies.  The 2 mile walk across the runway and up the hill at the Doppler Radar tower.


Unfortunately, there were no passing cars or dump trucks this time so we had to hoof it all the way.


Coming into the little town.


We found Maxine out back cleaning conch.  She told us to give her a few minutes so we went to Hilltop bar and had a cold beverage.  Soon she had cleaned up and opened up the store for us.  We all, of course, wear our masks around any Bahamian.  They don't appear to wear them here.  (There still have been zero cases of Covid here).

I got a drink at Maxine's for the walk back - a "Goombay Fruit Champagne".  It's bottled by Coca Cola Bahamas.  Not sure it's available anywhere else.  Sweet and refreshing but not something I think I'd want everyday.




The road takes us by the airport ramp.



The ramp is empty.  There's not a lot of traffic at this remote airport - the only plane we've seen this week is the one that brought the cell tower repair guy.

 And here is the "lounge" - rows of chairs under a small tree/bush!


Duane and Jerry in deep conversation on the walk back to the dinghies.



Here's my haul - Maxine said the mailboat didn't bring several items she ordered from Nassau - many of the things I wanted - lettuce, green peppers and cabbage.  Maybe next time in about 2 weeks.



We did go ashore for sunset - but once the sun was low I was too cold!!  I believe it got down to 68 degrees last night.  Brrrr.

1 comment:

  1. YIKES...stay away from all sharks...that looks like a nice little hike though...too bad you didn't get to ride atop a dumptruck though...
