Boat Info

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

Back online!  We saw a twin-engine plane fly into the airport on Ragged Island yesterday morning and we were told that the technician was working on restoring cell service.  But around 4pm, we saw the plane leave and still no internet.....but then around 9pm all our devices came back to life.  

But 2 days without internet was actually just fine!  


Unfortunately, I had notice some of my stitching on the dinghy chaps has disintegrated  in the harsh sun.  I must confess that I ran out of the very strong/UV resistant polyester thread mid-way thru the dinghy chap project a year and 1/2 ago.  I don't know why, but I was in a hurry and ordered thread from Amazon to get it the next day.  (Sailrite, my normal supplier is pretty slow about shipping - so I would have waited 2 or 3 days for a shipment from them - plus they don't do free shipping....) OK enough excuses.  I screwed up.


So I got to spend an entire day at the sewing machine.  I top-stitched every single seam (With excellent V92 Thread if you're interested).  I guess 6 hours of sewing on salty canvas is my punishment for bad judgement.



Finally finished with the sewing project, at low tide we wandered the nearby sandbar that is dry at low tide.


The silky sand looks sort of alien.


Thousands of sanddollars!  This one is alive still.


The white ones are dead.


Pretty view back to the anchorage.


The usual sunset gathering.

The next morning Duane and I went on a 3 mile loop on Little Ragged Island.  The seas had built up and the waves looked to be maybe 10' or more.



There was no trail, we just slogged thru the scrub.


A cool termite mound suspended on an dead tree.


We hiked to the top of a crest hoping to go all the way across the island.  We stopped and had a sandwich sitting on the rocks here.



Had to watch out for prickly things!


In the end, we decided to head to the same shore and walk back, not getting all the way across the island.  Maybe some other day.


Just a beautiful sunny day!

Back to the usual sunset hour - Jerry walking the flats with us.



Neat little tidal pool.


Yesterday's sunrise and warning!  Bad weather ahead!



 But the clouds cleared and we actually had a nice day.


We went in to watch the sunset with our little 5-boat-family here.  Everyone was ready for the "blow" that was forecast.  According to the weather we got on the radio, the winds would be 35-45 knots.

But as is often the case, the forecast wasn't entirely accurate.  I don't think we saw winds much more than a 30 knot gust.  So all is well!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're back online...looks like an interesting hike and good work on the trim pieces...
