Boat Info

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 We woke to a sortof grey day. 

Now & Zen just after sunrise.

Since it was relatively chilly this morning - 70 degrees - I decided baking biscuits would be a good idea since warming up the salon area wouldn't be terrible.  I make "buttermilk" with  evaporated milk and a tablespoon of vinegar.  It curdles the milk instantly and gives it a real "sour" taste.



And if you have biscuits, you gotta have gravy!

The winds did howl during the day, but in the afternoon we put the dinghy down and went for a nice shore walk on Little Ragged.



It's really hard to tell scale in photos but there is a 30 or 40 foot drop off to the ocean.



Duane's in the red shirt standing on the cliff edge.



Another cute ghost crab.  Strange that they don't run away like other crabbies.  He just stopped walking and stared me down!  


The middle of the island is mostly this salty marsh/pond.



Several momma/baby goats were seen up on the hilly rocks.  They are definitely "wild" - they scamper away as soon as they see us.



Back to the boat under threatening skies.   Nice to stretch our legs on the 3 mile walk.



  1. Hey K,
    ...again...lots of pretty photos...especially the one of the boat in the blue water with the island so close in the background...neat wildlife...and now I'm hungry for biscuits...

  2. of biscuits...I'm going to veganize this recipe and thought you might have the ingredients for it...or be able to get them...

    1. Looks delicious, I'll try it out. (I have dried chives on board).
