Boat Info

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Raccoon Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Thank goodness the winds finally are down in the mid-teens after a week of 20+ all day/night!  

Off we went for a nice snorkel. 


Saw this cool ray - 

 And caught a little video of the ray swimming.

(Again, if this video doesn't appear on your mobile device, click "View Web Version" at the bottom of the page and you'll be able to see it).


Duane speared one - 



Then a second lobster.  He's really happy - just squinting into the sun....


Back to the boat for a lazy afternoon.  (I had stuff for tacos already prepared so the lobsters went in the freezer for another day). 


Later in the day I heard the distinctive rotor sound - a US Coastie Heli.  Nice to know they're out there!

(and we overheard the red yacht on the VHF - their boat name Qing is apparently pronounced King.  Yeah, I know, we are a little hard up for outside entertainment.....)

1 comment:

  1. ...we always stop and look up when we hear a helicopter overhead...
