Boat Info

Monday, January 4, 2021

Double Breasted Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 With the winds in the low teens, we moved an hour south to Double Breasted Cay (again).  

Since this was the first day in a week that it was pleasant to move around, 3 boats from Hog Cay moved north to Double Breasted as well.  So we have company!  (and a double bonus since we've all been isolated for the past 2 weeks we are all covid-free).

First, John and Barbara on Sam the Skull.  We've been with them for the past 3 years in the Raggeds.  They're Scottish and fun!  If you're interested in the name of the boat - it's a cute Scottish "folk" song about a nefarious cat (haha catamaran) - Sam the Skull


And Marjane and Bill on Maranatha. 

 And finally Ralph and Leslie on Now & Zen!!


Nice to have the original 3 Mantateers back together again!


 After catching up with Now & Zen, we all went snorkeling nearby.



A little fish video - fun snorkel.

 (As usual, if you're using a mobile device and don't see a video here, click "view web version" at the bottom of the page and you can view it)

Stopped by a little beachy area for a stroll - there was a hull of a rather large old boat exposed in the sand. 


Back at the boat - the only prize today was this lovely shell.



Time for a little beachside sunset beverage.


And we were treated to a fabulous sunset.


1 comment:

  1. to have your friends there again...I loved the photo of the footprints on the beach...and the sunset...
