Boat Info

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 I know, this is getting pretty repetitious!   

We dinghied with What If over to nearby Darvel Cay for a little exploring.  Stopped at this little spit on the way.



Darvel Cay is a little bigger, but still just a big rock jutting out of the sea.


 Lots of pretty coral.



Little video of lots of little fishes....



Then we headed over to Maycock Cay to see if we could snorkel on the ocean side of the island since the wind was so calm.


The seas were fairly calm, but we couldn't find any reefs worth exploring, so we came back on the inside to a familiar reef.


More beautiful coral.




A nice size grouper - they are protected until Feb 28th so no fishing allowed!



Duane diving deep to peek under a ledge.



More pretty coral.



And Mr. Barracuda following me around again.....



Back to the boats - Ed and Cathy


The only catch today.



Sojourn at Hog Cay.  Lobster scampi for dinner for me tonight.  (Duane gets a pork roast...)


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