Boat Info

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Early in the morning Maxine dropped off our veggies at the cruiser hut.  So nice of her!  I know it seems like I'm gushing about something trivial, but when there is no grocery store within a day's sail, fresh lettuce becomes a luxury!


 Then we went out for a long snorkel as the winds have calmed.


Because the winds were fairly calm, we were able to go out near the ocean.  This is a fair sized trigger fish.



And this one is a larger "ocean" triggerfish - a different genus than the variety above.


Lots of little juvenile fish.




And here's a view from the top of a shallow reef.


No catch today!! 

1 comment:

  1. ...what a nice know I love my veggies...haha...
