Boat Info

Monday, December 21, 2020

Motoring to Cave Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

 As we sailed into the Blackpoint anchorage we passed the oil tanker was there, tethered to the island and pumping fuel over to the airport.

 The anchorage is normally filled with boats.  Just a few were there.  

No More Mondays joined us.  The view from Sojourn.  I believe we spent Christmas here 2 years ago, going to the Christmas feast at Lorraine's Restaurant with about 30 other boats.   Covid is certainly slowing down the boating traffic!  We won't be going to any feasts with strangers this year!

We did a few chores like getting 10 gallons of water from the public spigot near the dock and disposing of a large bag of trash.

Cathy and I later took the dinghy and went ashore to look for sea glass.

We were not disappointed.  Some of it was underwater like this.


And some was washed up on the shore like this.

Here's my haul for about 30 minutes of picking and choosing.  Some interesting pieces.




Dave and Rosie invited us over for a boat tour and dinner on No More Mondays 2.0.  I forget to add the 2.0.  I believe that is because over a year ago their boat sank at the dock due to a hose leak and they basically rebuilt the boat.  It's beautiful and a lot different inside with lots of clean white surfaces.  


Rosie cooking some delicious angel hair pasta.



And the rest of the crew!  We're all over 14 days with almost no contact with outsiders so feel pretty safe.


And a side note - I'm stealing this photo from Cathy, I know she won't mind.  Since there are not too many photos of me around as I'm usually behind the camera....Duane and I arriving on our chariot  to What If a few nights ago for dinner.  Good fun!

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