Boat Info

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Cave Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

 The three Mantas lifted anchor and motored about 15 miles south to Cave Cay.  It was a lovely uneventful trip.



The Mantas settled in at anchor.


Then it was off for a little dinghy ride to snorkel.

Ed and Cathy - (Cathy is bent over her electronic device navigating for us in the bright sunlight).

And Dave and Rosie


Just beautiful out there!


First stop was a wide open cave - but it was high tide and not all that spectacular.....would be more fun at low tide when you can just wander in.


The next stop, I donned my SCUBA gear - because I wanted to be able to go deeper than normal.  (I can't free dive because it hurts my ears too much).



This is "the Piano" - which reportedly - David Copperfield owns the adjoining island and he put this piano in the water as a tribute to his wife.  Don't know if the story is true but it certainly seems possible.

Ed getting up close.


And Duane.


And me!!


 And Dave & Rosie - not so adventuresome but having a good time!

 (There are supposed to be two videos following. If it doesn't show up on your mobile device, click View Web Version at the bottom of page and you should be able to see them)


Good fun....while I was on SCUBA I saw this cool ray and it's tag-along jack.

And then later we were snorkeling a nearby coral reel and this nurse shark swam right below me!!  Yikes!!

Cool day!

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