Boat Info

Monday, December 14, 2020

Highbourne Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

We're not seeing many cruising sailboats this year.....but the "big guys" are here as usual.  (The one in the middle is the one with the Christmas tree lights).

My breakfast - banana slices, cheese grits and the now ripe papaya.  We saved some seeds and are going to experiment growing a papaya plant once I find some dirt.  (Apparently the plant takes about 8 months to yield fruit).



After a relaxing morning, we went for a nice long snorkel.  Pretty coral - saw a small black tip shark.


Beautiful conditions with little wind, but a bit of current so we had to be careful where we swam.



Cathy and Ed snorkeling on the reef.



Since my ears don't like for me to dive deep, I asked Duane to go down about 20' and get a pretty shell for me.  It ended up being partially broken so he left it in place.


Duane did spear another lobster - which I combined with the crab for a lovely seafood chowder with rice.



And another spectacular sunset!



1 comment:

  1. ...Pretty water and pretty sunset...I need to make me some vegan cheeze grits...
