Boat Info

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Highbourne Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

 Leaving the anchorage for the all day sail over to the Exumas, a little dreary.

Pretty little rainbow as we were pulling up the anchor.


 And then it rained a bit....but good winds for the first several hours.

 I got a nice photo of What If under sail.

 And Cathy snapped this photo of us at about the same time.

 We did put out the fishing poles, but got nary a nibble....Approaching the Highbourne Cay cut.


Passing the Highbourne Cay marina - just a few mega-yachts.  

After dinner aboard What If and a few games of cards, back to our boat.  One of the yachts anchored out was all decked out for Christmas. 

 Here's what that boat looks like in the daylight.  You can almost make out the structure where the "trees" are.

 We're in no particular rush to get anywhere - so we'll probably snorkel here and decide where to go next.  Looks like a week of very calm weather so not too good for speedy sailing!

1 comment:

  1. ...neat little squatty rainbow...reminds me of the sundogs in ND...and cool pics of y'all under sail...I love the lights on the pretty!
