Boat Info

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Oriental, NC

We spent July 4th busy, busy! 

I had ordered fabric to make a sunshade like the one on What If.

It's basically a rectangle held in place by bungie cords.  Cathy made hers in two runs - the tan was the first attempt and the green was added on later because she wanted it to be larger.  This covers the entire salon area, vastly reducing the head load from the sun.   (Only used while at the dock or at anchor).

I rolled out the 10 yards of heavy fabric on the dock.

Measured and cut it into 4 equal pieces.

I won't bore you with details, but then we spent the next several hours hemming and finishing the edges, making two equal large rectangles.  Enough for one day, tomorrow we'll do some fitting and adding reinforcements for all the grommets.  I was tired from handling the huge pieces of material for hours.  And I used 10 bobbins of thread!!   (I decided the white 92 UV bond thread from Sailrite would be OK in this situation since the shades won't be exposed 365 days a year since I like the look better than the more durable black thread).

It was time for our July 4th picnic.  The fire was fun to have but was very warm!!!  Luckily later in the evening a wonderful breeze came up and made it very pleasant even at 90 degrees.

Ended the day with our isolation buddies Ed and Cathy - and a great watermelon.  Nice and sweet.

Yeah, it was windy!  Hope you had a wonderful 4th!

1 comment:

  1. ...the watermelon looks yummy...of course...and nice that you have that nice long deck for laying out and cutting your cloth...
