Boat Info

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Oriental, NC

We spent most of the day working with our "sailbag".   So the way the sailbag is designed, the "jacklines" pass thru two grommets and the lines are just tied at the bottom of the mast.  When the sail is raised, the sailbag just sortof collapses.  We don't like this - because when you drop the sail, it's just a big pile on top of the sailbag that you have to sort out.  Seems like a silly design.

So, we had to remove the sailbag to redesign it.  Plus we needed to do some other repairs anyway.  And did I say it's sunny and 90 degrees?  Not complaining.   Well, maybe a bit.

I didn't detail the process, but we basically made a loop out of heavy strapping material and sewed it on the inside of the sailbag.

So now the jackline passes thru the first grommet and is tied directly to the loop.  (The outline of the strap is the black rectangle you see.   This keeps the sailbag taut and the sail will drop into the now-more-open pocket.

Plus we repaired some other areas including replacing some strapping and re-stitching a lot of repairs we made last year.....the thread I used was not as UV resistant as I'd hoped - borrowed some really good  thread from Cathy - hopefully these repairs will last several years in the constant sun.  And I'm really loving the new Monster Wheel on my sewing machine.  Easily sewed thru many layers of sunbrella and webbing.

And after a yummy dinner on What If, it was time to drive to Oriental for fireworks!!! 

We parked at Pecan Grove and had front row seats all to ourselves for the firework show. 

I'll just include a few shots for your enjoyment.  Hope you have a happy July 4th!

1 comment:

  1. ...looks like you had a lovely 4th...and your sewing always looks so precise and perfect...
