Boat Info

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Oriental, NC

Busy day! 

The one and only gladiolus bulb that we harvested from the side of the road last year has bloomed.  Beautiful but short lived!

 Went for a very nice long bike ride!

 Road all the way over to River Dunes - stopped at their Yawl Cafe for our first-since-March beverage away from home.  Ed donned the mask and went inside to order drinks - and very nicely brought them to us.  (They had waitstaff but we opted not to have them serve us.)  Their outside dining tables were separated by about 20' so definitely practicing good social distancing.

Had a nice relaxing chat at the halfway point.  Beautiful cool day.  Perfect for a bike ride.

We did walk down the dock to take a peek at the Manta Seamiles who we had met several times.  They currently are not sailing and live in Colorado.  The boat seems to be in fine shape.

Almost 20 miles!

 After a nice nap, it was What If's turn for dinner.  They decided it would be a perfect cool evening for a fire and a cookout.  They had very nicely gotten Beyond Burgers for me!  (They're the ones that look reddish on the grill). 

Cathy and I both had a veggie burger - very, very good!!

It was a bit too windy and chilly, even with the we retired back to What If for a couple of rounds of Hearts.  Good day!


  1. FUN!...I like the beyond burgers...and they usually have them at Food Lion here...funny about the Gladiolus...remember when they grew whole fields of them in Mills River...we pronounced it Gladolias back then...haha...

  2. Haha, yes, I had to look up the spelling. Then tried to reconcile my childhood pronunciation with the word Gladiolus....close but not quite! Love, K
