Boat Info

Monday, May 25, 2020

Oriental, NC

No quilt progress today.....we did some boat chores.

Duane went to the top of the mast to change out the VHF antennae  still trying to chase down some static on the radio.

Did some cleaning and organizing.  Amazing a whole day goes by in the blink of an eye!

My turn to host dinner - and I'm out of bread.  So I pull out the 1 Hour Breadstick recipe.   I'm also out of ideas for dessert.  It dawns on me after I have the dough made that I can make cinnamon rolls.  Easy, peasy.   Just melt sugar and butter and make a jelly roll.  Cut out the buns and you're all set.  (More sugar and cinnamon on top while it rises).

The other half of the dough made the standard bread sticks to have with dinner.

The cinnamon buns turned upside down after baking.  They were delicious!!

That's about it for the day....almost chilly evening.


  1. Yikes that's far up in the air...does a winch take him up there...or does he climb...your cinnamon rolls look delish...I need to do that...

  2. We use the electric winch to hoist him up. Plus he has a second halyard attached to a mountain climber's harness that would catch him if something happened to the main halyard that lifts him.

  3. I guess that sounds pretty safe...he probably gets a nice view from up there...
