Boat Info

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Early out to snorkel today.  It will be the last "calm day" snorkel for a while now because medium-to-strong east winds are setting in for about a week.

It was beautiful day - Now & Zen and What If on their dinghies on the way out to snorkeling.

As we got in the deeper water of the cut, it got a little rough for our little dinghies!  No worries.  All was well.

 Had several lovely spots to snorkel.  Here's a cute big "puffer fish" I spied.

After we were all wrinkley and tired from several hours of snorkeling, back to the 3 Mantas.  We're all alone at Hog Cay.  More folks will be joining us soon because the "February 14th Picnic" sponsored by Maxine in Duncan Town is coming up.   (OK, so it'll be held Feb 15th, but who's paying attention!)

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