Boat Info

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Since it was forecast to be very low winds, the 3 Mantas decided to go to Duncan Town for a visit/grocery shopping,   There's a lovely little channel thru the mangroves to the town dock.

"Flats" bordering the mangroves.

View of the channel from Duncan Town.

Cathy and Ed at the dock.

Nothing much has changed at the dock.  Still a nice home made welcome sign.

Leslie had called Maxine to make sure she was at home so we could shop at her store.   Just staples here.  I needed cooking oil....somehow didn't bring enough with us.  Luckily she had plenty.  Got some limited fresh veggies too.

It was warm in town - we stopped at the only open bar - and got a sorbet.  It was a lovely refreshing flavor - soursop.   Hard to describe - like a cross of mild citrus and melon.

There is a house with all different kinds of pigeons.  A local guy who I think might be the owner was nearby and let us in the back of the house.  He basically said that  he just collects the pigeons.  There were certainly neat varieties - some with feathers on their feet - others with odd feathers sticking up above their heads.  Smelly though!  (They're not trapped in the house - there are openings so they can come/go.

We took a little walking tour - glad to see that the school is finally being rebuilt after several years since hurricane Irma devastated the island.

Here is the school last time we were here -  all the school children have been moved off the island.

But the government has started from scratch, tearing down the old and building a complete new school.  Hopefully, the town will come back to life when the school children and their families can return.

View of the salt ponds on the ocean side.

Left Duncan Town and took the dinghies to the reef on the north end of Ragged Island.   Lovely coral there.

Saw this big tarpon.  He's maybe 3' long.

Back to Hog Cay - the Three Mantateers!

Duane with the catch of the day - a huge lobster!

Leslie and Ralph visiting us for a chat.

And I bought Rum & Coke this at the bar where we got the sorbet.....I haven't drunk it yet - put it in the fridge for sundowners later.....just had never seen a mixed drink in a can!

Dinner was on What If - lovely sunset but no green flash.

1 comment:

  1. That's a really neat place...I loved the salt flats...and the pigeon unique...
