Boat Info

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Great Inagua, Bahamas

We sailed along the south side of Great Inagua to a little protected anchorage, Sandy Point Cove.  It's protected by a reef - and the entrance is fairly narrow.  What If approaching the opening in the reef.

Beautiful inside the reef.

Went for a fun snorkel - interesting but not spectacular.

Huge school of blue know I love these things...

I spotted 3 lobster in one hole!!  Duane speared the first 2 - and handed them to me!

 The 3 Mantateers!

Now & Zen anchored beside us.  

Dinner was on Sojourn - everyone was a bit tuckered out from the overnight sail so it was an early night for everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty photo of the three boats...reminds me of that Christmas song...and Teletubbies...haha...
