Boat Info

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Great Inagua, Bahamas

First, I need to back up and tell you about finally un-tethering from Hog Cay.

We went ashore one last time for a nice long walk.  This is a trail we'd never been on - there is a colonial rock wall in very good condition - it goes from one side of the island to the other.  I don't know how old it is - there has not been anyone living on Hog Cay in a very long time.

Walked past a salt pond we'd seen from the distance on another trail.

And the trail opens up to the open ocean.

Pretty views.

Back to the hut to pick up our folding chairs.....everyone in the anchorage departed except Southern Star and the 3 Mantas.    I was busy and didn't get a chance to hail everyone to tell them goodbye....but we'll cross paths again, I'm sure.

Dee and Nicholas on Meshugga  will be around the Bahamas for a while longer. 

For our last night at Hog Cay,  Ted and Jenny on Southern Star invited the 3 Mantas to join them for dinner.

Wonderful meal and fun visiting!

The guys chatting on the rear deck.

Yesterday morning - leaving Hog Cay - bye to Southern Star as they head back thru the Panama Canal for their homeland destination - New Zealand!

The Mantas departing Hog Cay.  No wind to speak of.....

We motor sailed for about 27 hours -  we caught a couple of large barracudas - this is the only photo I took - they're heavy and a pain to get off the hook.

But Leslie and Ralph landed a nice Blue Marlin - they released it back to the ocean since they were looking for edible fish! (photo stolen from FB)

And Ed got a huge bull Mahi!!  Congratulations!!  (photo also stolen from FB)

After sunup, it was Land Ho!

The pretty and operational lighthouse at Matthew Town, Great Inagua.  We're bypassing the port right now since winds will not be favorable there.  We'll anchor on the south side of the island and explore there before heading back into "town" later next week.

Now & Zen underway.

 What If approaching the shallow anchorage at Sandy Point.

 Now & Zen and What If anchored Sandy Point.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    That rock wall is pretty amazing...imagine the work that went into that...the variation in water colour is pretty spectacular...
