Boat Info

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Staniel Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

We moved the boats down to Staniel Cay to get a little protection from some forecast winds.

Pretty scenery along the way.

We went straight to the fuel dock to top off our tanks.   We will be sailing south to the Ragged Islands in the next day or so.  There will be no fuel available for the next month, so we need to take every drop we can.

To the anchorage near Thunderball Grotto.  Now & Zen, What If and Haven all off our stern.

Our fresh supplies have dwindled down to 1/2 a head of cabbage and 2 tomatoes.  Time to take the dinghy ashore for some refills.  On our way walking to the "Pink Store" and the "Blue Store" we were passing the airport.  These folks were transporting a brown pelican in a cage, I assume to put it on an airplane.....strange sight.

I know this doesn't mean much to you, but this is the nicest display of fresh food I've seen since leaving the US.   This was at the Blue Store - the lady at the register said that the supplies from the mailboat on Wednesday had all been bought and that these fresh items had arrived via airplane yesterday.   Lucky for us.  (not so lucky about price, the romaine lettuce 3 pack was $9.50 but necessary for my Caesar salad!)  But small price to pay for the privilege of being here!

Pretty sunset across Thunderball Grotto.

Over to What If for dinner.   Chris and Debi from Believe joined us (we'd met them in Bimini).

I took warm spinach artichoke dip for the appetizer - it was enjoyed by all and something different.

Much chatting - we sure do enjoy our sling-seats!

And the main event was wonderful - Cathy served a hearty homemade vegetable soup and fresh cornbread.  I think I'll add a cast iron skillet to my galley next year.  I've hesitated just because of the weight, but the results probably outweigh the negatives.    A fun, busy productive day.

1 comment:

  1. ...looks like fun and the soup and cornbread look yummy...and I'm with you on the cast iron...
