Boat Info

Friday, January 3, 2020

Sampson Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

We had a fabulous busy day!

From our anchorage at Sampson Cay we took the 3 dinghies for a day of exploring.

Ralph lead us by this private island - Overyonder Cay.  (You can rent the island for $44,000 PER NIGHT).   Very luxurious looking.

Fancy rockwork docking station - not the seaplane to the left.

Apparently the seaplane/pilot are included.

A moment floating to decide where to go next.

North thru Pipe Creek.  Just beautiful!

Dinghy caravan.  Now & Zen leading, What If, then Sojourn bringing up the rear.

Approaching Compass Cay marina - where the 1/2% stay!

Wow, crazy!

On towards "Rachel's Bubblebath".   Anchored the dinghies.

And walked the creek.

Doesn't look like much does it?  It's just a deep pool - and the ocean waves periodically splash over - making bubbles!

And amazing amount of fizzy bubbles.  Good fun.

And a big wave occasionally sweeps you away!

Ed and Cathy try it out too.

Pretty little spot.   I suspect it gets very "active" with big ocean waves but we enjoyed it in mild conditions.

Duane and Cathy lounging, waiting on the rest of the group to catch up.

Then it was on to the Rocky Dundas.  Cool caves.  Duane sitting on a ledge inside one of the caves.

And the cool formations in the other cave.

Bouncy ride back to the boats - the Three Mantateers!

Later in the evening, two more boats joined us in the anchorage - Haven (Ed & Cathy's friends and Merriwether (who we had met in Bimini).

We picked up Jeff and Jeanna from Merriwether and headed over to Now & Zen to a potluck dinner.  11 people total - quite the gathering!

Anna from Haven made THE BEST mojitos!   She  brought fresh mint and coconut water.  And rum, of course!!

Just a lot of fun conversations - usually about 3 conversations going at a time in different corners.

A great evening!

1 comment:

  1. My goodness y'all are busy...the bubblebath looks like a lot of fun...
