Boat Info

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

We're going to be in the Ragged Islands for a while.  The forecast is for strong easterly winds for the next week  so we'll stay well protected on the west sides of the islands.

We took advantage of the last fairly calm day to head out to an exposed reef on the south side of Maycock Cay.

I found this shell (some form of conch/snail).  The snail inside was "walking" with his "foot" along the seafloor.

This is what an empty one looks like -  a shell I picked up a couple of weeks ago (I don't believe I posted this photo earlier).  

It didn't retract when I picked it up - unusual.  They normally zip right back into their shells if you tough them.

So I put it back down on the sea floor.

And it started slowly "walking" again.  I thought this was so cool!!!

So I filmed a little of it's "walk".

It was Duane's day to get lobster. 

He got three total - there were lots of them in the reef but hard to spear as they disappear back into their dark "holes".  (Wouldn't you if a human was aiming for you??)

Just thought that coral was particularly pretty.

View of Maycock Cay.

We were out snorkeling a long time - several hours.  Back to the boats - the "haul" for the day.  Into the freezer as What If is hosting dinner tonight with the lobsters Ed got yesterday.  

 and it was soon time for "sundowners" ashore. 

Before long we saw Bluejacket pull in and drop anchor beside  Sojourn.

So, we took the dinghy over and convinced Jerry and Donna to take a taxi ride ashore for a few minutes.  Good reconnecting with everyone!

1 comment:

  1. ...that's a neat creature...kind of like the whelks we find along the sc coast...
